Reporting PennyLane bugs

We use the GitHub issue tracker to keep track of all reported bugs and issues. If you find a bug, or have an issue with PennyLane, please submit a bug report! User reports help us make PennyLane better on all fronts.

To submit a bug report, please work your way through the following checklist:

  • Search the issue tracker to make sure the bug wasn’t previously reported. If it was, you can add a comment to expand on the issue if you would like.

  • Fill out the issue template. If you cannot find an existing issue addressing the problem, create a new
    issue by filling out the issue template. This template is added automatically to the comment box when you create a new issue. Please try and add as many details as possible!

  • Try and make your issue as clear, concise, and descriptive as possible. Include a clear and descriptive title, and include all code snippets/commands required to reproduce the problem. If you’re not sure what caused the issue, describe what you were doing when the issue occurred.