Dear all.
I am using the demo “Data-reuploading classifier” to play around with different datasets.
I have failed to produce the contour plot graph as seen in demo “variational classifier”, because i have many errors when i try to produce the predictions grid.
If i understand correctly in order to evaluate the prediction grid you need load “params” (params array hold last trained values of qcircuit)
into the test function as shown:
predicted_test, fidel_test = test(params, x, y, state_labels)
Then produce x and y as np.arrays but i somehow fail because x has a weird structure
plot predicted_test values for x,y
Can someone provide more details? I personally believe that the contour plot at the end of the “variational classifier” is very important so maybe you should use it in all demos
p.s. we are trying to generalize this demo to 2 qubits, any insights?
Thanks in advance.