Trainable parameters for gates acting in StrawberryFields GKP states

I’m trying to reproduce an algorithm using qubits for the CV context using GKP states in StrawberryFields.

In this article Photonic quantum computers | PennyLane Demos, a universal set of qubit analog gates (T, CNOT, Control-Z, Hadamard, PauliX, PauliZ) is presented.

For my problem I need two things:

  1. Gates analogous to X and Z rotations.

  2. That the parameters of these rotations are trainable.

For me it is clear how to derive the rotations from the universal set, for example, for a specific rotation theta.

But it gets messy when I consider putting a theta as a trainable parameter.

Am I missing something or is it really messed up?

Thank you very much.

Hi @ramses , there’s no CV analogous gates.

GKP states are formed by using CV but they follow the math of qubits instead, so I’d recommend working only in the regime of the gate-based model.

I’d recommend this demo on measurement-based quantum computing if you’re interested in how this works.

I hope this helps!