Rigetti QVM 'Device does not exist'

Hello, I am currently going through the tutorial on PyTorch and noisy devices at (https://)[PyTorch and noisy devices — PennyLane documentation ].

When I run the following code to run on the Rigetti QVM:
dev = qml.device(“rigetti.qvm”, device=‘Aspen-8’, noisy=True)

I receive the following:
DeviceError: Device does not exist. Make sure the required plugin is installed.

All required dependencies/plugins have been installed. How can this issue be resolved? Thank you in advance!

Hi @gopalm-ai,

Could you please post the output of qml.about() and your full error traceback?

It is possible that the pennylane-rigetti plugin was installed in a different environment to the one you’re currently using. You could try installing it in the current environment using pip install pennylane-rigetti.

If it says it’s already installed you might need to try creating a new environment. This may be more clear once we can see the output of qml.about() and your full error traceback. I hope this can help you debug in the meantime.

Here is the latest error I receive:

QCSHTTPStatusError: QCS API call GET https://api.qcs.rigetti.com/v1/quantumProcessors/Aspen-8/instructionSetArchitecture failed with status 403: {“code”:“unauthorized”,“message”:“User unauthorized”,“requestId”:“aeb8875f-d9a3-4779-bf3a-7d2a91630582”}

Hey @gopalm-ai, it sounds like you need to gain access to Amazon Braket. Check this out!