Problem when running QPU Pennylane-rigetti

Hello Pennylane Team,
I have problem with this documentation

can you help me to solve this problem?

import pennylane as qml
dev_qpu = qml.device('rigetti.qpu', device='Aspen-M-2', shots=1000)


QCSHTTPStatusError                        Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-b74f3ee6e145> in <cell line: 0>()
----> 1 dev_qpu = qml.device('rigetti.qpu', device='Aspen-M-2', shots=1000)

8 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/qcs_api_client/util/ in raise_for_status(res)
     31         pass
---> 33     raise QCSHTTPStatusError(message, error=error, response=res)

QCSHTTPStatusError: QCS API call GET failed with status 401: {"code":"unauthenticated","message":"authorization error","requestCorrelationId":"68630c80-f8b6-4102-86f7-e147dcfd184a","requestId":"dc33b577-ae7c-46e8-9a78-da6371e7036c"}

Hi @Dwi_Cahyo_Mariyanto ,

I think that device is no longer supported by Rigetti. The best way to access Rigetti devices is via the pennylane-braket plugin. I believe Rigetti has some new devices that are available via Amazon-Braket, although it’s best to check with the Amazon team since device availability changes over time. The Braket team also supports the plugin so you can let them know if you have any issues with it.

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Hi @CatalinaAlbornoz

Thank you for your answer.
Actually I want to try Readout Error Mitigation from this Readout Error Mitigation Documentation pennylane-rigetti

Is the documentation still valid, because I have problem when running it?