PennyLane-AQT Plugin Released

Hi everyone! We just released a shiny new plugin to complement the growing library of devices in PennyLane. :tada: :fireworks:

We’re very happy to be working together with Alpine Quantum Technologies (AQT) to bring you this plugin featuring access to their ion-trap quantum computing cloud platform.

New PennyLane devices :video_game:

Two new devices are added via the PennyLane-AQT plugin:

  • aqt.sim: an ideal noiseless ion-trap simulator

  • aqt.noisy_sim: a noisy ion-trap simulator

Remote backend access is supported for users with access credentials for the AQT platform.

Run noisy and noiseless simulations :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Using the two mentioned devices you can run simulations on AQT’s ion-trap simulators, supporting two gates specific to AQT’s ion-trap API: the two-parameter rotation gate R(wires) and the Mølmer-Sørenson gate MS(wires).

Code example
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane_aqt import ops

# change “aqt.sim” to “aqt.noisy_sim for noisy simulations
dev = qml.device("aqt.sim", wires=2)

def circuit(w, x, y, z):
    qml.RX(w, wires=0)
    ops.R(x, y, wires=1)
    ops.MS(z, wires=[0,1])
    return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))

For more information check out the plugin documentation page at or AQT’s tutorial at AQT PennyLane Tutorial - AQT | ALPINE QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES, where you can also get more information regarding gaining access to specific hardware devices.

AQT’s announcement of the PennyLane-AQT plugin can be found at