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Running on public test set
Test 1 of 2 failed! 🚫
Input: [[[[0.62832, 0.3927, 1.0472, 0.7854],[0.7854, 0.31416, 0.62832, 0.5236]],[[0.31416, 0.7854, 0.7854, 0.3927],[0.31416, 0.3927, 0.31416, 0.3927]]],"PauliY", 0.5236]
Expected output: [0.68594, 0.31406]
Solution output: [0.5000000000000003, 0.5000000000000003]
Failure message: Assertion Error: Not the correct probabilities for the quantum model..
Test 2 of 2 passed! ✅
Input: [[[[1.0472, 0.7854, 3.1416, 0.3927],[1.0472, 0.7854, 3.1416, 0.5236]],[[1.0472, 0.7854, 1.5708, 0.3927],[0.7854, 0.7854, 1.5708, 0.7854]]],"PauliX", 0.7854]
Expected output: [0.46653, 0.53347]
Solution output: [0.4665297661776312, 0.5334702338223688]
Running on private test set
One or more private tests failed. Try again! 🚫
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