Stuck submitting the Pennylane challenges

import json
import pennylane as qml
import pennylane.numpy as np

dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=2)

def circuit1(angles):
    A Qnode implementing the circuit shown in the top part of the image

        angles (np.ndarray(float)): A list [theta_1, theta_2] of angle
        parameters for the RX and RY gates respectively
        (np.tensor): The expectation value of the PauliX observable

    # Put your code here #
    qml.RX(angles[0], wires = 0)
    qml.RY(angles[1], wires = 1)
    # Return the expectation value
    return qml.probs(wires=[0, 1])

def circuit2(angles):
    A Qnode implementing the circuit shown in the bottom part of the image

        angles (np.ndarray(float)): A list [theta_1, theta_2] of angle
        parameters for the RX and RY gates respectively
        (np.tensor): The expectation value of the PauliX observable

    # Put your code here #
    qml.RY(angles[0], wires = 0)
    qml.RX(angles[1], wires = 1)
    # Return the expectation value
    return qml.probs(wires=[0, 1])

def compare_circuits(angles):
    Given two angles, compare two circuit outputs that have their order of
    operations flipped: RX then RY VERSUS RY then RX.

        angles (np.ndarray(float)): An array of two angles [theta_1, theta_2]

        (float): The absolute value of the difference between the expectation
        values of the circuits.

    # Put your code here #
    return abs(circuit1(angles) - circuit2(angles))

    # Return the required difference in expectation values

# These functions are responsible for testing the solution.
def run(test_case_input: str) -> str:
    ins = json.loads(test_case_input)
    output = compare_circuits(ins)

    return str(output)

def check(solution_output: str, expected_output: str) -> None:
    solution_output = json.loads(solution_output)
    expected_output = json.loads(expected_output)
    assert np.isclose(solution_output, expected_output, rtol=1e-4)

# These are the public test cases
test_cases = [
    ('[3.79894785, 0.71678115]', '1.177019'),
    ('[5.88344281, 0.30672784]', '0.023805')

# This will run the public test cases locally
for i, (input_, expected_output) in enumerate(test_cases):
    print(f"Running test case {i} with input '{input_}'...")

        output = run(input_)

    except Exception as exc:
        print(f"Runtime Error. {exc}")

        if message := check(output, expected_output):
            print(f"Wrong Answer. Have: '{output}'. Want: '{expected_output}'.")


Test 1 of 2 failed! 🚫
                  Input: [3.79894785, 0.71678115]
                  Expected output: 1.177019
                  Solution output: [0. 0. 0. 0.]
                  Failure message: Runtime Error: Failed to execute check() function: Expecting ',' delimiter: line 1 column 3 (char 2).

I’m facing this error in all challenges.I tried with a different browser, it remains the same. And every challenge shows the same error even if I don’t change anything in the code.

Hello @Hridoy_Chandra_Das ! Welcome to the forum!

Next time, would you mind posting the name or the link to the challenge?

By looking at your code, I supposed this is the Comparing expectation values, is this correct?

If so, I would like to point out that your code has a couple of mistakes. The error is probably happening because the checking function is expecting a float or something like this, and it is getting a tensor with shape (4,). Make sure that your functions are returning what they are supposed to and I think your problem will be solved. :smiling_face:

I hope this helps!

@Hridoy_Chandra_Das ,

Just to be sure, if you click “reset code” and then “submit” without writing anything in the challenge, do you get an error?

Hi @Hridoy_Chandra_Das,

I managed to reproduce your problem. It is indeed because your code isn’t correct. Take another look at what the question is asking for! You may fid this video useful too.