Issue with Amazon braket (region)

Dear, When i try to run this command

dev_remote = qml.device(

I get the error:

NoRegionError: You must specify a region

The Region of my S3 bucket is : US West (N. California) us-west-1

Full error msg is:

NoRegionError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-f8e60c8e036e> in <module>
      5 n_wires = 25
----> 7 dev_remote = qml.device(
      8     "",
      9     device_arn=device_arn,

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\pennylane\ in device(name, *args, **kwargs)
    223         # load device
--> 224         return plugin_device_class(*args, **options)
    226     raise DeviceError("Device does not exist. Make sure the required plugin is installed.")

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\braket\pennylane_plugin\ in __init__(self, wires, device_arn, s3_destination_folder, shots, poll_timeout_seconds, poll_interval_seconds, aws_session, parallel, max_parallel, max_connections, max_retries, **run_kwargs)
    260         **run_kwargs,
    261     ):
--> 262         device = AwsDevice(device_arn, aws_session=aws_session)
    263         if DeviceActionType.JAQCD not in
    264             raise ValueError(f"Device {} does not support quantum circuits")

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\braket\aws\ in __init__(self, arn, aws_session)
     79         super().__init__(name=None, status=None)
     80         self._arn = arn
---> 81         self._aws_session = AwsDevice._aws_session_for_device(arn, aws_session)
     82         self._properties = None
     83         self._provider_name = None

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\braket\aws\ in _aws_session_for_device(device_arn, aws_session)
    310             return AwsDevice._aws_session_for_qpu(device_arn, aws_session)
    311         else:
--> 312             return aws_session or AwsSession()
    314     @staticmethod

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\braket\aws\ in __init__(self, boto_session, braket_client, config)
     38             self.braket_client = braket_client
     39         else:
---> 40             self.braket_client = self.boto_session.client("braket", config=self._config)
     42     #

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\boto3\ in client(self, service_name, region_name, api_version, use_ssl, verify, endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token, config)
    257         """
--> 258         return self._session.create_client(
    259             service_name, region_name=region_name, api_version=api_version,
    260             use_ssl=use_ssl, verify=verify, endpoint_url=endpoint_url,

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in create_client(self, service_name, region_name, api_version, use_ssl, verify, endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token, config)
    832             retryhandler, translate, response_parser_factory,
    833             exceptions_factory, config_store)
--> 834         client = client_creator.create_client(
    835             service_name=service_name, region_name=region_name,
    836             is_secure=use_ssl, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, verify=verify,

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in create_client(self, service_name, region_name, is_secure, endpoint_url, verify, credentials, scoped_config, api_version, client_config)
     83             self._endpoint_resolver, scoped_config, client_config,
     84             service_signing_name=service_model.metadata.get('signingName'))
---> 85         client_args = self._get_client_args(
     86             service_model, region_name, is_secure, endpoint_url,
     87             verify, credentials, scoped_config, client_config, endpoint_bridge)

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in _get_client_args(self, service_model, region_name, is_secure, endpoint_url, verify, credentials, scoped_config, client_config, endpoint_bridge)
    324             self._response_parser_factory, self._loader,
    325             self._exceptions_factory, config_store=self._config_store)
--> 326         return args_creator.get_client_args(
    327             service_model, region_name, is_secure, endpoint_url,
    328             verify, credentials, scoped_config, client_config, endpoint_bridge)

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in get_client_args(self, service_model, region_name, is_secure, endpoint_url, verify, credentials, scoped_config, client_config, endpoint_bridge)
     69                         endpoint_url, verify, credentials, scoped_config,
     70                         client_config, endpoint_bridge):
---> 71         final_args = self.compute_client_args(
     72             service_model, client_config, endpoint_bridge, region_name,
     73             endpoint_url, is_secure, scoped_config)

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in compute_client_args(self, service_model, client_config, endpoint_bridge, region_name, endpoint_url, is_secure, scoped_config)
    146         s3_config = self.compute_s3_config(client_config)
--> 147         endpoint_config = self._compute_endpoint_config(
    148             service_name=service_name,
    149             region_name=region_name,

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in _compute_endpoint_config(self, service_name, region_name, endpoint_url, is_secure, endpoint_bridge, s3_config)
    216         if service_name == 'sts':
    217             return self._compute_sts_endpoint_config(**resolve_endpoint_kwargs)
--> 218         return self._resolve_endpoint(**resolve_endpoint_kwargs)
    220     def _compute_s3_endpoint_config(self, s3_config,

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in _resolve_endpoint(self, service_name, region_name, endpoint_url, is_secure, endpoint_bridge)
    298     def _resolve_endpoint(self, service_name, region_name,
    299                           endpoint_url, is_secure, endpoint_bridge):
--> 300         return endpoint_bridge.resolve(
    301             service_name, region_name, endpoint_url, is_secure)

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in resolve(self, service_name, region_name, endpoint_url, is_secure)
    399                 is_secure=True):
    400         region_name = self._check_default_region(service_name, region_name)
--> 401         resolved = self.endpoint_resolver.construct_endpoint(
    402             service_name, region_name)

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in construct_endpoint(self, service_name, region_name, partition_name)
    131         # Iterate over each partition until a match is found.
    132         for partition in self._endpoint_data['partitions']:
--> 133             result = self._endpoint_for_partition(
    134                 partition, service_name, region_name)
    135             if result:

~\anaconda3\envs\Quantum python 3_8\lib\site-packages\botocore\ in _endpoint_for_partition(self, partition, service_name, region_name, force_partition)
    146                 region_name = service_data['partitionEndpoint']
    147             else:
--> 148                 raise NoRegionError()
    149         # Attempt to resolve the exact region for this partition.
    150         if region_name in service_data['endpoints']:

NoRegionError: You must specify a region.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @NikSchet!

Did you run aws configure as detailed here (which requires an install of the AWS CLI).

Alternatively, you can create or edit your credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config locations.

Let me know if this works!

Thanks for the fast reply. Indeed i followed the instructions and changed region to “us-west-1” and it worked. No when i train the model i get the error

ValueError: s3_destination_folder must be of size 2 with a 'bucket' and 'key' respectively.

The error is raised when i run the command:

historyh =, y_train,
                      validation_data=(X_test, y_test),


Hey @NikSchet,

Oh that’s weird, what have you set for the s3_folder variable? If you are following the approach here, you need to update the bucket and foldername to your S3 bucket. For example, if your bucket is called pl-braket and your folder is sim_results, you’d have:

s3_folder=("pl-braket", "sim_results")

You can create an S3 bucket from the AWS management console.

Also, it looks like you’re training a relatively complicated hybrid QML model. To first debug any problems with accessing your S3 bucket, it might be an idea to try out the simple usage examples here.

Thanks a lot, so i think the problem was with AWS since after some hour the problem solved by itself (i also restarted kernel multiple times)

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