Two doubts appeared as extension of this conversation:
- Is it allowed for the probability p(x) to be an arbitrary one with arbitrary integration limits as long as p(x) is normalized in the integration interval?
I tested p(x) as a normalized polynomial ( one that satisfies \int_a^b \mathrm{d} x \, p(x) = 1 between a and b), but the QMC result is different from the classical integration (code below).
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.integrate import simpson
from pennylane import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
def qmci(f, p, xs, m, n):
N = 2 ** n
tgt_wires = range(m + 1)
est_wires = range(m + 1, n + m + 1)
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=(n + m + 1))
ps = p(xs)
ps /= np.sum(p(xs))
def circuit(ps, f, xs):
target_wires = tgt_wires,
estimation_wires = est_wires,
return qml.probs(est_wires)
ph_est = np.argmax(circuit(ps, f, xs)[:int(N / 2)]) / N
res = (1 - np.cos(np.pi * ph_est)) / 2
return res
n = 10
m = 5
M = 2 ** m
xmax = np.pi
xs = np.linspace(-xmax, xmax, M) # Domain
# Polynomial A normalized under integration limits
rdn = np.arange(0.1,0.4,0.1) # Arbitrary sequence of polynomial coefficients
A = lambda xs: (rdn[2]*xs**2 + rdn[1]**xs + rdn[0] )/104.49637640566247
# Normal distribution for comparison
p = lambda xs: norm().pdf(xs)
f = lambda i: np.sin(xs[i]) ** 2 # Used for QMC integration
F = lambda xs: np.sin(xs) ** 2 # Used for classical integration
qmci( f, A, xs, m, n)
# Result is 0.2670117521160169
simpson( F(xs)* A(xs), xs)
# Result is 0.31218885373330574
- Also, I noticed that the classical and QMC integrations diverge when the integration limits are set as (-10 \pi, 10\pi) with the normal distribution as is in the documentation (code below for copy and paste).
- Is there a way to know the appropriate integration limits of convergence?
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.integrate import simpson
from pennylane import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
def qmci(f, p, xs, m, n):
N = 2 ** n
tgt_wires = range(m + 1)
est_wires = range(m + 1, n + m + 1)
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=(n + m + 1))
ps = p(xs)
ps /= np.sum(p(xs))
def circuit(ps, f, xs):
target_wires = tgt_wires,
estimation_wires = est_wires,
return qml.probs(est_wires)
ph_est = np.argmax(circuit(ps, f, xs)[:int(N / 2)]) / N
res = (1 - np.cos(np.pi * ph_est)) / 2
return res
n = 10
m = 5
M = 2 ** m
xmax = 10*np.pi
xs = np.linspace(-xmax, xmax, M) # Domain
# Polynomial A normalized under integration limits
#rdn = np.arange(0.1,0.4,0.1) # Arbitrary sequence of polynomial coefficients
#A = lambda xs: (rdn[2]*xs**2 + rdn[1]**xs + rdn[0] )/104.49637640566247
# Normal distribution for comparison
p = lambda xs: norm().pdf(xs)
f = lambda i: np.sin(xs[i]) ** 2 # Used for QMC integration
F = lambda xs: np.sin(xs) ** 2 # Used for classical integration
qmci( f, p, xs, m, n)
# Result is 0.29178521995118134
simpson( F(xs)* p(xs), xs)
# Result is 0.6971081255327303