Ah! I see.
Thanks for providing your code.
Let’s talk about StronglyEntanglingLayers first and implement it in a simple circuit with four qubits and two layers to clarify a few things.
import pennylane as qml
import numpy as np
dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=4)
def circuit(parameters):
qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers(weights=parameters, wires=range(4))
return qml.expval(qml.Z(0))
shape = qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers.shape(n_layers=2, n_wires=4)
weights = np.random.random(size=shape)
print(qml.draw(circuit, level="device")(weights))
The output looks like this:
[[[0.49074878 0.7228961 0.82086147]
[0.71845727 0.53503673 0.47661948]
[0.83858256 0.20507756 0.96799407]
[0.71095248 0.19950693 0.73624718]]
[[0.52984002 0.7072301 0.7677795 ]
[0.08729018 0.50610396 0.93201434]
[0.32064219 0.5938831 0.36923048]
[0.45426797 0.54860312 0.54892198]]]
0: ──Rot(0.49,0.72,0.82)─╭●───────╭X──Rot(0.53,0.71,0.77)─╭●────╭X────┤ <Z>
1: ──Rot(0.72,0.54,0.48)─╰X─╭●────│───Rot(0.09,0.51,0.93)─│──╭●─│──╭X─┤
2: ──Rot(0.84,0.21,0.97)────╰X─╭●─│───Rot(0.32,0.59,0.37)─╰X─│──╰●─│──┤
3: ──Rot(0.71,0.20,0.74)───────╰X─╰●──Rot(0.45,0.55,0.55)────╰X────╰●─┤
You can see that the variable weights
has dimension (2, 4, 3). So you need three parameters per qubit (for each rotation) to give a total of 12 parameters per layer.
I believe that you want to use the scikitlearn moons dataset as the input values for the rotations. If that is the case, first you want to make sure that the number of elements of the dataset is a multiple of 12 if you want to use reshape
(in your example, 400 doesn’t work since it is not a multiple of 12). I used n_samples=36
in your code and it worked!
without even specifying the number of layers, but now we know why this would work and give six layers.
Something else to consider is that the dataset is a 2D binary classification dataset (each sample has two features) and if you do X.reshape
, you will end up with layers whose parameters are groups of samples of only two features.
In summary, you can start by deciding the number of layers you require and adjust the dimension (and features) of your dataset accordingly given that the number of qubits is 4.
Let me know if this helped and if there are any other questions.