Qubit tapering demo jaxlib runtime error


I am trying to run the code described here

on Linux Ubuntu using

pennylane 0.4.0 ; python 3.13 ; CUDA 12.6 ; jax 0.5.0

The code snippet below generates a jacs runtime error.

Is a workaround known ? Would you advise using a different version of jax?

Hi @Julien, welcome to the Forum!

Thanks for bringing this up. It looks like PennyLane isn’t working with JAX versions > 0.4.28 (some details in this issue).

Are you able to downgrade your version of Jax and let us know if this solves the issue?

Note: I used JAX v0.4.33 and it did work in this scenario but I’m unsure whether it would fail in other cases.


Hi @CatalinaAlbornoz - thanks for the reply.
I was able to make it work by downgrading to 0.4.28

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