Is it possible to use Qiskit error mitigation (https://qiskit.org/documentation/apidoc/mitigation.html) with Pennylane?
Hi @Antonio_Mele! Thank you for your question!
There is currently no direct method of using Qiskit error mitigation with PennyLane.
You can access Qiskit devices through the various plugins, and you can also convert Qiskit code to pennylane using the from_qiskit()
function. Iām not sure what your application is, but you may want to consider training a circuit first using PennyLane, then performing error mitigation on the trained circuit using Qiskit. Even better, you could submit a PR to PennyLane with some error mitigation support!
Juan Miguel
@jmarrazola, thank you so much for your reply.
Iām not sure what your application is, but you may want to consider training a circuit first using PennyLane, then performing error mitigation on the trained circuit using Qiskit.
Yes, this is one of my goals and it could be a possible solution.
I would also like to apply error mitigation at every stage of the training process.
Best regards,