Problems with Codercise H.1.1

I am trying to understand what the problem requirements to code, Is this problem wants to generate a binary bit of length 3 generate by random and needs to compare with input. If this is the question I have tried in this way.

input = [1, 1, 0] # MODIFY EXAMPLE
print("The result of applying the secret box to ", input, "is ")
# We will secretly apply the function and return the result!

def deterministic_box(bits):
    """Guess the secret deterministic rule.
        bits (list[int]): A list of bits representing an initial condition.
        list[int]: The output bits measured after deterministic evolution.
    y = np.random.choice(bits)
    if y.any() == input:
        s = y
    return s # MODIFY THIS


The idea of this codercise is not to generate random bits. The black box operation obeys a pattern: as the name of the function you need to work with suggests, it is a deterministic box. Go back and carefully read the exercise statement, I think it will clarify things. :smiling_face:

I hope that helps! :slightly_smiling_face: