Hi there!
I am currently running the Patch Quantum GAN notebook and was investigating ways to speed up the code execution time. I believe the options are as follows:
- GPU: I am using the’ lightning.gpu’ device for GPU utility. However, as I understand, this only benefits when using a large number of qubits for a single circuit. The patch method utilises multiple quantum circuits, each with around ~8 qubits, so I believe I wouldn’t see a speed up there. Would using the ‘lightning.kokkos’ device instead provide the speed up I am looking for?
- Multiprocessing on CPU: Given default.qubit and lightning.qubit are CPU devices, is multiprocessing on the CPU/CPUs with multiple cores to increase the execution time available i pennylane.
3.Overall is there a way when using the ‘Patch Quantum Gan’ (as coded in your demo for example) to improve the execution time by either running all circuits somehow in parallel during execution (and computing gradients in parallel) or some sort of vectorised mapping? - Currently all my code is written using pennylane/pytorch, switching to jax/jit and flax in the long-run would probably be the best bet but for now i am concerned with how to execute the algorithms better from—a hardware perspective.