Implementing Group Arithmetic

I have an idea of using quantum computing for DNA encoding, which I discussed here
This is the implementation:

dev_1 = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=4)
def ASymmetricDNAEncoder(X, div_2 = False):
    qml.Rot(phi = X[0], theta = X[1], omega = X[2], wires = 0)
    qml.Rot(phi = X[1], theta = X[2], omega = X[0], wires = 1)
    qml.Rot(phi = X[2], theta = X[0], omega = X[1], wires = 2)
    for i in range(3):
        qml.CNOT(wires = [i,3])
    for i in range(3):
        qml.CNOT(wires = [3,i])
    return qml.density_matrix(wires = [0,3])
dev_2 = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=4)
def SymmetricDNAEncoder(X, div_2 = False):
    qml.Rot(phi = X[0], theta = X[1], omega = X[2], wires = 0)
    qml.Rot(phi = X[2], theta = X[0], omega = X[1], wires = 1)
    qml.Rot(phi = X[1], theta = X[2], omega = X[0], wires = 2)
    for i in range(3):
        qml.CNOT(wires = [i,3])
    for i in range(3):
        qml.CNOT(wires = [3,i])
    return qml.density_matrix(wires = [0,3])

def QDNAEncoder(gstr,ops):
    dual = dual_dna(gstr)
    enc_gsstr = one_hot_encoding_dna(gstr)
    enc_gastr = one_hot_encoding_dna(dual)
    w = np.random.random(size=[3])/2*np.pi
    akernel = ASymmetricDNAEncoder(w)
    skernel = SymmetricDNAEncoder(w)
    # Compute Embedding
    qemb_s = [np.matmul(skernel,enc_gsstr[i]) for i in range(enc_gsstr.shape[0])]
    qemb_a = [np.matmul(akernel,enc_gastr[i]) for i in range(enc_gastr.shape[0])]
    # Stacking tensor
    qemb_s = np.vstack(qemb_s)
    qemb_a = np.vstack(qemb_a)

    if ops == 'mean_average':
        genc = (qemb_a + qemb_s)/2
    elif ops == 'QDE-CD':
        genc = np.concatenate([qemb_a,qemb_s], axis = 1)
    elif ops == 'QDE-CW':
        genc = np.concatenate([qemb_a,qemb_s], axis = 0)
    elif ops == 'QDE-CO':
        genc = np.matmul(qemb_a,qemb_s.T) - np.matmul(qemb_s,qemb_a.T)
    return genc

Is this possible to directly implement group arithmetic for optimization. I develop some optimization protocol like here:


Hey @Nam_Nguyen, thanks for asking, that’s a really interesting question!

If I understood you correctly, you’d like to consider some group logic as an input to your optimizer? I’m sorry if that’s a bit off, DNA is definitely not my area of expertise and I didn’t have the time to go through you papers in detail. :slight_smile:
Would the RiemannianGradientOptimizer help you here at all?

If not, you can certainly create your own optimizer in PennyLane. I can see that you’re trying to develop a specific new approach to optimization for in your papers. Depending on what exactly you’re trying to do (and improve!) with your research, I think this might actually be a great choice for you here! :slight_smile:

Thanks Ivana. I came across this idea when trying to find an orthogonal basis of order 4 on Hilbert space of dim 6. My approach is to first construct the Cayley table, that allows computation on sigma basis. Turns out, the problem is quite similar to DNA encoding, if we consider OHE for the four element: “A,T,G,C”. It ends up with the equivalent question that: to put 4 basis on Cyclic Group Z3. Here, I extend the Dirichlet principle: adopting permutation on bases of 3 elements could represents 4 elements on Z3.

Thank for you for your suggestion about the RiemannianGradient methods, I will definitely try it. However, the computation for my Hamiltonian term is using symmetric group of order 11. I’m look for a more scalable way to solve it.

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Here is the Hamiltonian in my model:

Hmmm, that’s a really interesting approach, @Nam_Nguyen, thanks for explaining!

This is quite a complicated setup and I’m afraid we don’t have it natively available in PennyLane at this time. To do what you’d like to do, you would have to build the optimizer yourself. We’d love to hear how it goes and we can try helping you out if you get stuck somewhere! :slight_smile:

We also welcome external contributions, so if you want to consider sharing your code — either as a part of PennyLane or as a demo — it would be fantastic to see your progress! :rocket:

I want to ask that whether Xanadu offer the internship for this Fall, I am taking leave of my Ph.D. at the fourth year in US, bearing this idea.

Here is my attempt to implement the Ansatz from scratch:

class Ansatz(nn.Module):
def init(self, n_states):
super(Ansatz, self).init()
self.n_states = n_states
self.A = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(n_states)+1jtorch.rand(n_states), requires_grad=True)
self.B = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(n_states)+1j
torch.rand(n_states), requires_grad=True)
self.Xdot = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(n_states), requires_grad=True)
self.Ydot = self.R(self.Xdot)
self.Zdot = self.F(self.Xdot)
self.xi = torch.tensor([self.compute_p_root(self.n_states, p) for p in range(1,self.n_states+1)])
primes = [ for p in range(1,self.n_states+1)]
self.arch_norm = self.compute_Sn()
self.GL_Xdot = [self.GL2(self.Xdot, self.xi, p, i) for i, p in enumerate(primes)]
self.GL_Ydot = [self.GL2(self.Ydot, self.xi, p, i) for i, p in enumerate(primes)]
self.GL_Zdot = [self.GL2(self.Zdot, self.xi, p, i) for i, p in enumerate(primes)]

def forward(self,x):
    h = [self.compute_reps(x[i,:]).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(x.size(0))]
    h =, dim = 0)
    h = h.unsqueeze(1)
    h_abs = h.abs()
    return h_abs

def arch_loss(self):
    l0 = (self.arch_norm[0] - self.arch_norm[1]).abs()
    l1 = (self.arch_norm[0] - self.arch_norm[2]).abs()
    l2 = (self.arch_norm[1] - self.arch_norm[2]).abs()
    aloss = (l0 + l1 + l2).mean()
    return aloss

def compute_reps(self, x):
    psi_0 = self.init_state()
    psi_t = self.unitary_trans()
    H = self.operator().type(torch.complex128)
    H0 = torch.mul(x.type(torch.complex128),
    H1 = torch.mul(x.type(torch.complex128),
    z = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(H1, H), H0) 
    return z
def operator(self):
    h = self.GL_Zdot[0]
    for i in range(1, self.n_states):
        h = torch.kron(h,self.GL_Zdot[i])
    return h

def unitary_trans(self):
    f = [self.psi(self.A[i], self.B[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(range(self.n_states))]
    H = []
    for i in range(self.n_states):
        U = torch.matmul(self.GL_Ydot[i].type(torch.complex128),
    h = H[0]
    for i in range(1, self.n_states):
        h = torch.kron(h,H[i])
    return h

def compute_Sn(self):
    x = (self.xi - self.Xdot)**2
    y = (self.xi - self.Ydot)**2
    z = (self.xi - self.Zdot)**2
    return torch.sqrt(x), torch.sqrt(y), torch.sqrt(z)

def GL2(self, z, xi, p, i):
    a00 = torch.cos(2*torch.pi*(z[i]-xi[i])/p)
    a01 = -torch.sin(2*torch.pi*(z[i]-xi[i])/p)
    X = torch.tensor([a00,a01,-a01,a00])
    X = X.reshape(2,2)  
    return X

def R(self,x):
    y = torch.roll(x, shifts=1, dims = 0)
    return y

def F(self,x):
    y = torch.roll(x, shifts=-1, dims = 0)
    return y

def init_state(self):
    f = [self.psi(self.A[i], self.B[i]) for i,_ in enumerate(range(self.n_states))]
    h = f[0]
    for i in range(1, self.n_states):
        h = torch.kron(h,f[i])
    return h

def psi(self, a, b):
    x = a*torch.tensor([1,0]) + b*torch.tensor([0,1])
    x = x.reshape(2,1)
    return x

def compute_p_root(self, n, prime_index):
    prime =  # Find the nth prime number
    power = 2**(n+1)  # Compute 2^(n+1)
    remainder = power % prime  # Take the remainder (2^(n+1) mod p)
    return remainder

And here is the test on predicting PES:

import os
from icecream import ic
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import torch
from model import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from utils import *
import as px
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import h5py

from openfermion.chem import MolecularData
from openfermion.transforms import get_fermion_operator, jordan_wigner

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch

dirc = ‘dataset/3.3.2_PES/dataset’

out_dirc = ‘QuantumChem_PES’


seed = 11

n_states = 2
num_epochs = 500

ch_idx = 0

for ch_idx in range(7):

    files = [os.path.join(dirc, x) for x in sorted(os.listdir(dirc)) if '.DS_Store' not in x]
    dataset = ['{}/{}'.format(files[ch_idx],x) for x in sorted(os.listdir(files[ch_idx]))]

    ENERGY = []
    BOND_LENGTH = []
    for f_idx in range(len(dataset)):
        molecular_data = MolecularData(filename=dataset[f_idx]) # load hdf5 file
        molecular_hamiltonian = get_fermion_operator(molecular_data.get_molecular_hamiltonian()) # get an instance of second quantized hamiltonian

    ENERGY =torch.tensor(ENERGY)
    BOND_LENGTH = torch.tensor(BOND_LENGTH).unsqueeze(1)

    ENERGY = normalize(ENERGY)

    X  =[torch.roll(BOND_LENGTH, shifts=-i).unsqueeze(1) for i in range(2**n_states)], dim = 1)
    X = X.squeeze(2)


    model = Ansatz(n_states)
    criterion = nn.MSELoss()  # loss function, for classification tasks
    optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=0.03, weight_decay=3e-3)  # optimizer
    for name, param in model.state_dict().items():
        print('Layer:', name)
        print('Size:', param.size())
        print('Values:', param, '\n')

    best_loss = float('inf')
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        # TRAIN
        model.train()  # switch to training mode
        # forward + backward + optimize
        outputs = 1/model(X)

        outputs = normalize(outputs)
        arch_loss = model.arch_loss()

        loss = criterion(outputs, 
        loss = loss + arch_loss
        loss.backward(retain_graph=True)  # backward pass
        optimizer.step()  # optimization step
        print('Epoch: {}|Train Loss: {}'.format(epoch, loss.item()))
        if loss < best_loss:
            best_pred = outputs
            best_loss = loss
  , '{}/best_model_seed_{}_{}.pkl'.format(out_dirc,seed,files[ch_idx].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]))
            print('Epoch: {}|Test Loss: {}'.format(epoch, loss.item()))

    chem_name  = files[ch_idx].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0]
    # Assuming you have the tensors BOND_LENGTH and ENERGY
    BOND_LENGTH = BOND_LENGTH.detach().numpy()
    ENERGY = ENERGY.detach().numpy()
    best_pred = best_pred.detach().numpy()

    # Create the plot
    plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
    plt.plot(BOND_LENGTH[:-3], ENERGY[:-3], marker='o', 
        label='Actual Energy', markersize = 3)
    plt.plot(BOND_LENGTH[:-3], best_pred[:-3], marker='s', 
        label='Predicted Energy', markersize = 3)

    plt.xlabel('Bond Length')
    plt.ylabel('Normalized Energy')
    plt.title('{}\n (MSE: {:.4f})'.format(chem_name, best_loss.item()))
    plt.savefig('{}/{}.jpg'.format(out_dirc,chem_name), dpi = 600)  #

It is too early to see this approach is better than other, but I think implement Group Arithmetic could be useful for some problem related to primes.

We usually don’t have internship positions open in the fall, but we are definitely offering Residency positions for next year, @Nam_Nguyen ! Many Xanadu Residents are PhD students who take a few months of leave to join us for a summer project.
If you keep an eye on our socials or subscribe to the newsletter, you can find out as soon as the application period starts. :slight_smile:

As a personal recommendation, if you keep your code and project work publicly accessible (let’s say on GitHub), you can share it in your application and our team can check it out during assessment. :smiley:


That’s glad to hear so. Here is my GitHub: namnguyen0510 (namnguyen0510) / Repositories · GitHub.

It’s imperfect and I looking for work collaborations.

Thanks — we’ll be looking forward to your Residency application later this year! :slight_smile:
Best of luck!