I tried to fix error, but i know know why such error happens
File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pennylane/__init__.py:125, in
122 import pennylane.qinfo # pylint:disable=wrong-import-order
123 from pennylane.interfaces import execute # pylint:disable=wrong-import-order
--> 125 import pennylane.dat
144 See: https://peps.python.org/pep-0681/
145 """
148 Self = TypeVar("Self", bound="Dataset")
TypeError: dataclass_transform() got an unexpected keyword argument 'field_specifiers'
I already tried to uninstall pennylane and install again, or sudo apt-get update, pip install qiskit --upgrade, pip install pennylane --upgrade, etc.
Also conda install -c conda-forge pennylane does not work (infinite loading for Solving environment)
Nothing works, i need help