Help with constructing cost function

I am trying to write single_cost and total_cost for a 2 qubit hamiltonian . Will it work?
I am writing this in SSVQE algorithm to higher state energy and electronic structure .

def single_cost(self,params, state_idx):
self.ansatz(params, wires=range(self.num_qubits), state_idx=state_idx)
expectation_value = qml.expval(self.H)
cost = expectation_value(params)

    return cost
def total_cost(self,params, **kwargs):
    single_cost = kwargs.get('single_cost')
    w = kwargs.get('w')
    cost = 0
    for state_idx in range(2**self.num_qubits):
        cost +=w[state_idx]*single_cost(params, state_idx=state_idx)
    return cost

Hey @Kaushik!

Not sure if it will work :sweat_smile:. There’s lots of code missing! Give it a shot, and if you run into problems let me know :slight_smile:

import pandas as pd
import scipy as scp

from pennylane import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import pi
import os
os.environ[“OMP_NUM_THREADS”] = “6”
from pennylane import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.templates import RandomLayers
from pennylane import broadcast
from pennylane import expval, var, device
from pennylane.transforms import mitigate_with_zne
from import bulk
from ase.lattice import FCC
from pennylane import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import pool

from functools import wraps
from time import time

class KP:
def init(self, ep0=1.5292, delta=0.340, a=5.653, Ep=22.71, verbose=1, npoints_path=15):
self.RY =1
self.ep0= 1.5292 = 0.341
self.verbose = verbose
self.npoints_path = npoints_path
self.Ep = 22.71
self.gamma1 = 7.03
self.gamma2 = 2.33
self.gamma3 = 3.03
self.mass = 0.0665
self.P = 9.75

def lattice(self,atom = 'Si',structure = 'diamond', path = 'XGL'):
    self.atom =atom
    self.structure = structure
    self.pathPoints = path
    struc = bulk(self.atom,self.structure, a= self.a) = struc.cell.get_bravais_lattice()
    self.path = struc.cell.bandpath(self.pathPoints, npoints=self.npoints_path)
    pt = FCC(self.a).bandpath(self.pathPoints, npoints = self.npoints_path)
    self.p_axis = pt.get_linear_kpoint_axis(eps = 1e-5)[0]
    self.p_labels_vert = pt.get_linear_kpoint_axis(eps = 1e-5)[1]
    self.p_labels_stg = pt.get_linear_kpoint_axis(eps = 1e-5)[2]
    if self.verbose == 1:
        print('Symmetry points =  ',list(
        print('k-vector-path = ', self.p_axis)
        print('Path vertices = ', self.p_labels_vert)
        print('Path labels = ', self.p_labels_stg)
    = pd.DataFrame(self.path.kpts,columns=['kx','ky','kz'])['k'] = np.sqrt((['kx'])**2+(['kx'])**2+(['kx'])**2)
def Hamilton_GaAs(self, index = 0, nqbits=3, custom_lattice = False)->np.array:
    if not custom_lattice:
        print("define a custom lattice")
    k =[index].k
    kx =[index].kx
    ky =[index].ky
    kz =[index].kz
    kmais = kx + 1j * ky
    kmenos = kx - 1j * ky
    e = 1 / self.mass - (self.Ep/3) * ((2 / self.ep0) + 1 / (self.ep0 +
    P = 9.75
    Q = - ((self.gamma1 + self.gamma2)*(kx**2 - ky**2) - (self.gamma1 - 2*self.gamma2)*kz**2 )
    R = -np.sqrt(3)*(self.gamma2*(kx**2 - ky**2) + 2*1j*self.gamma3*kx*ky)
    Ec = self.ep0 + e*(kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2)
    Pz = self.P * kz
    T = - ((self.gamma1 - self.gamma2)*(kx**2 + ky**2) + (self.gamma1 + 2*self.gamma2)*kz**2 )
    S = 1j * (2*np.sqrt(3) * self.gamma3 * kz * kmenos)
    Pmais = self.P * kmais / np.sqrt(2)
    Pmenos = self.P * kmenos / np.sqrt(2)
    H = np.zeros((4,4), dtype=np.complex64)               
    H[0,0] = T/2
    H[0,1] = - S
    H[0,2] = - 1j * (T-Q) / np.sqrt(2)
    H[0,3] = - 1j * np.sqrt(2/3) * Pz
    H[1,1] = Q/2
    H[1,2] = -1j * np.conjugate(S) / np.sqrt(2)
    H[1,3] = - Pmais
    H[2,2] = ((Q+T)/2 - / 2
    H[2,3] = -Pz  / np.sqrt(3)
    H[3,3] = Ec/2
    self.H = H + np.transpose(np.conjugate(H))
    return self.H[:2**nqbits,:2**nqbits]

class SSVQE:
def init(self, index=0, ep0=1.5292, delta=0.752, a=5.653, num_qubits=2, verbose=1,
npoints_path=15, machine=None, num_layers=2, num_excited=0):
self.time =
self.num_qubits= num_qubits
self.npoints_path= npoints_path
self.HKP= KP(ep0=self.ep0,, a=self.a, verbose=self.verbose, npoints_path= self.npoints_path)
self.HH = self.HKP.Hamilton_GaAs(index=self.index,nqbits =self.num_qubits) =
self.machine= machine
self.num_layers= num_layers
self.num_excited= num_excited

        if self.machine == "PennyLane_statevector":
   = qml.device("default.qubit", wires = self.num_qubits)
        elif self.machine == "PennyLane_simulator":
   = qml.device("default.mixed", wires = self.num_qubits, shots= 1024)
        elif self.machine == "qasm_Statevector":
   = qml.device('qiskit.aer', wires=self.num_qubits, backened='aer_simulator_Statevector')
        if self.verbose ==1:
            print('Number of Qubits:', self.num_qubits)
            print('Running on ', machine)
            self.epoch2print =50
        elif self.verbose == 0:
            self.epoch2print = 200
def states(self, nq=None)->list:
    if not nq:
        nq = self.num_qubits
    st = []
    for i in range(2 ** nq):
        formStr = '0' + repr(nq) + 'b'
        st.append(format(i, formStr))
    return st

def ansatz(self, params, wires, state_idx=0)-> None:
    state = self.states(nq =self.num_qubits)
    for ind_qb, qb in enumerate(list(state[state_idx])):
        if qb =='1':
    qml.templates.StronglyEntanglingLayers(params, wires = range(self.num_qubits))


def total_cost(self,params, **kwargs):
   single_cost = kwargs.get('single_cost')
   w = kwargs.get('w')
   cost = 0
   for state_idx in range(2**self.num_qubits):
       cost +=w[state_idx]*single_cost(params,wires=self.num_qubits, state_idx=state_idx)
   return cost
def run(self, params, max_iterations =1000, conv_tol = 1e-5, n_excited = 1, optimizer = 'Adam', 
        opt_rate = 0.1,method= 'simple',processes=None):
    self.n_excited = n_excited
    self.max_iterations = max_iterations
    self.conv_tol = conv_tol
    self.params = params

    coeffs, obs_list = qml.pauli.conversion._generalized_pauli_decompose(self.HH)
    obs_groupings = qml.pauli.group_observables(observables=obs_list, grouping_type="qwc", method="rlf")

    H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs_list)
    eigen,_ = np.linalg.eigh(self.HH)
    energies = np.zeros(2)
     = qml.device("default.qubit", wires = self.num_qubits)

    def cost_function( params,wires=self.num_qubits, state_idx=0):
        return qml.expval(H)
    self.single_cost = cost_function(params,wires = self.num_qubits,state_idx=0)

    self.w = np.arange(2**self.num_qubits, 0, -1)
    energy_optimized, ind, energies_during_opt = self.optimize(params, optm=optimizer, opt_rate=opt_rate, conv_tol=self.conv_tol)

    results = {
        'energy_optimized': energy_optimized,
        'param_optimized': params,
        'all_energies': energies_during_opt,
        'number_of_cycles': ind,
        'convergence_tolerance': self.conv_tol
    return results

def optimize(self,params,optm = 'Adam', opt_rate = 0.1, conv_tol = 1e-3):
    self.params = params
    opt = self.optimizers(optm,opt_rate)
    costs = []
    conv = 10
    KP_callback_energies = np.zeros((self.n_excited+1,self.max_iterations))
    low_energy = 1e3
    param_low_energy = params
    prev = 1e3
    for i in range(self.max_iterations):
        self.params,prev_energy = opt.step_and_cost(self.total_cost, self.params, single_cost = self.single_cost, w= self.w)
        energy = self.total_cost(self.params, single_cost = self.single_cost, w = self.w)
        conv = np.abs(prev_energy - energy)
        KP_callback_energies[0,i] = prev_energy
        if energy < low_energy:
            print('Energy lowered, Actual low energy = ', energy)
            low_energy = energy
            param_low_energy = self.params
        if i%1 == 0:
            print('iteration = ', i)
            print('conv = ', conv)
            print('energy = ', energy)
        if(conv<= self.conv_tol):
    print("optimization converged after ", i , "cycles1")
    if energy > low_energy:
        self.params = param_low_energy
        print('Energy non_converged after maximum iterations... ')
    energy_optimized = np.zeros(self.num_excited + 1)
    for exc in range(self.num_excited+1):
        energy_optimized[exc] = self.single_cost(self.params, state_idx = exc)

    return enrgy_optimized, i, KP_callback_energies
def optimizers(self, optm, opt_rate, eps=1e-8):
    if optm == 'Adam':
        opt = qml.AdamOptimizer(stepsize=opt_rate, eps=eps)
    elif optm == 'Adagrad':
        opt = qml.AdagradOptimizer(stepsize=opt_rate, eps=eps)
        raise ValueError("Unsupported optimizer: {}".format(optm))
    return opt

if name==‘main’:
num_layers = 5 # number of entangling layers of the ansatz
num_qubits = 2 # number of qubits
point_path = 1 # number of points in Brillouin Zone path
num_excited = num_qubits**2 - 1

vqe = SSVQE(index=0, num_qubits=num_qubits, num_excited=num_excited, npoints_path=1, machine="PennyLane_statevector")
params = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2*np.pi, size=(num_layers, num_qubits, 3), requires_grad=True) 
print('params', params)

res =, max_iterations=1)

This is what I am trying to write. and it is showing error

+=w[state_idx]*single_cost(params,wires=self.num_qubits, state_idx=state_idx)

TypeError: ‘tensor’ object is not callable

Hi @Kaushik,

Let’s keep the conversation in this other thread! I’ve replied t your question there.