Hey! I am trying to run torontonian_sample_graph(An,q, cutoff=3) (where An is my adjacency matrix and q is my mean photon number) but getting this error “TypeError: torontonian_sample_graph() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘cutoff’”.
Apart from that, I tried hafnian_sample_graph but got this error “IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1”
Hi @MUSHKAN_SUREKA, I think the issue is the version of TheWalrus that you’re using.
Version 0.19 doesn’t include cutoff as an argument while the development version (0.20) does.
Since you need to include the cutoff you should use the development version, although your code may break somewhere else since this isn’t the latest stable version.
As per your second question I think the issue may again ve the version you’re using.
still getting TypeError: torontonian_sample_graph() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘cutoff’ but I guess the version is still 0.19.0 I dont know why