Error in Williamson Decomposition in Strawberry fields

Hello! I am having a problem with strawberry fields
I have a symmetric matrix and I want to do the Williamson decomposition of the matrix. But it doesn’t work when I use strawberry fields decomposition (getting an error that it is not symmetric) but it is working with the Williamson decomposition defined by the Walrus. Could someone please look into it?

The matrix is-

array([[ 4003453.33, 7502473.09, 8512202.1 , 8797646.89, 8857765.86,
8797646.89, 8512202.1 , 7502473.09, 15603625.51, 4003452.62,
7502473.49, 8512202.04, 8797646.96, 8857765.88, 8797646.96,
8512202.04, 7502473.49, 15603625.29],
[ 7502473.09, 14059640.76, 15951872.74, 16486796.78, 16599459.64,
16486796.7 , 15951872.74, 14059640.18, 29241205.02, 7502473.49,
14059639.97, 15951873.02, 16486796.6 , 16599459.6 , 16486796.6 ,
15951872.71, 14059639.97, 29241205.43],
[ 8512202.1 , 15951872.74, 18098774.39, 18705690.99, 18833516.93,
18705690.99, 18098773.73, 15951872.74, 33176666.06, 8512202.04,
15951873.02, 18098773.68, 18705691.29, 18833516.79, 18705690.98,
18098773.68, 15951872.71, 33176666.29],
[ 8797646.89, 16486796.78, 18705690.99, 19332961.08, 19465072.7 ,
19332960.5 , 18705690.99, 16486796.7 , 34289199.52, 8797646.96,
16486796.6 , 18705691.29, 19332960.35, 19465072.99, 19332960.35,
18705690.98, 16486796.6 , 34289199.81],
[ 8857765.86, 16599459.64, 18833516.93, 19465072.7 , 19598088.48,
19465072.7 , 18833516.93, 16599459.64, 34523515.7 , 8857765.88,
16599459.6 , 18833516.79, 19465072.99, 19598087.75, 19465072.99,
18833516.79, 16599459.6 , 34523515.96],
[ 8797646.89, 16486796.7 , 18705690.99, 19332960.5 , 19465072.7 ,
19332961.08, 18705690.99, 16486796.78, 34289199.52, 8797646.96,
16486796.6 , 18705690.98, 19332960.35, 19465072.99, 19332960.35,
18705691.29, 16486796.6 , 34289199.81],
[ 8512202.1 , 15951872.74, 18098773.73, 18705690.99, 18833516.93,
18705690.99, 18098774.39, 15951872.74, 33176666.06, 8512202.04,
15951872.71, 18098773.68, 18705690.98, 18833516.79, 18705691.29,
18098773.68, 15951873.02, 33176666.29],
[ 7502473.09, 14059640.18, 15951872.74, 16486796.7 , 16599459.64,
16486796.78, 15951872.74, 14059640.76, 29241205.02, 7502473.49,
14059639.97, 15951872.71, 16486796.6 , 16599459.6 , 16486796.6 ,
15951873.02, 14059639.97, 29241205.43],
[15603625.51, 29241205.02, 33176666.06, 34289199.52, 34523515.7 ,
34289199.52, 33176666.06, 29241205.02, 60815787.98, 15603625.29,
29241205.43, 33176666.29, 34289199.81, 34523515.96, 34289199.81,
33176666.29, 29241205.43, 60815786.91],
[ 4003452.62, 7502473.49, 8512202.04, 8797646.96, 8857765.88,
8797646.96, 8512202.04, 7502473.49, 15603625.29, 4003453.33,
7502473.09, 8512202.1 , 8797646.89, 8857765.86, 8797646.89,
8512202.1 , 7502473.09, 15603625.51],
[ 7502473.49, 14059639.97, 15951873.02, 16486796.6 , 16599459.6 ,
16486796.6 , 15951872.71, 14059639.97, 29241205.43, 7502473.09,
14059640.76, 15951872.74, 16486796.78, 16599459.64, 16486796.7 ,
15951872.74, 14059640.18, 29241205.02],
[ 8512202.04, 15951873.02, 18098773.68, 18705691.29, 18833516.79,
18705690.98, 18098773.68, 15951872.71, 33176666.29, 8512202.1 ,
15951872.74, 18098774.39, 18705690.99, 18833516.93, 18705690.99,
18098773.73, 15951872.74, 33176666.06],
[ 8797646.96, 16486796.6 , 18705691.29, 19332960.35, 19465072.99,
19332960.35, 18705690.98, 16486796.6 , 34289199.81, 8797646.89,
16486796.78, 18705690.99, 19332961.08, 19465072.7 , 19332960.5 ,
18705690.99, 16486796.7 , 34289199.52],
[ 8857765.88, 16599459.6 , 18833516.79, 19465072.99, 19598087.75,
19465072.99, 18833516.79, 16599459.6 , 34523515.96, 8857765.86,
16599459.64, 18833516.93, 19465072.7 , 19598088.48, 19465072.7 ,
18833516.93, 16599459.64, 34523515.7 ],
[ 8797646.96, 16486796.6 , 18705690.98, 19332960.35, 19465072.99,
19332960.35, 18705691.29, 16486796.6 , 34289199.81, 8797646.89,
16486796.7 , 18705690.99, 19332960.5 , 19465072.7 , 19332961.08,
18705690.99, 16486796.78, 34289199.52],
[ 8512202.04, 15951872.71, 18098773.68, 18705690.98, 18833516.79,
18705691.29, 18098773.68, 15951873.02, 33176666.29, 8512202.1 ,
15951872.74, 18098773.73, 18705690.99, 18833516.93, 18705690.99,
18098774.39, 15951872.74, 33176666.06],
[ 7502473.49, 14059639.97, 15951872.71, 16486796.6 , 16599459.6 ,
16486796.6 , 15951873.02, 14059639.97, 29241205.43, 7502473.09,
14059640.18, 15951872.74, 16486796.7 , 16599459.64, 16486796.78,
15951872.74, 14059640.76, 29241205.02],
[15603625.29, 29241205.43, 33176666.29, 34289199.81, 34523515.96,
34289199.81, 33176666.29, 29241205.43, 60815786.91, 15603625.51,
29241205.02, 33176666.06, 34289199.52, 34523515.7 , 34289199.52,
33176666.06, 29241205.02, 60815787.98]])

Sorry not that matrix-

this one-

array([[18098774.39, 18833516.93, 18098773.73, 33176666.06],
[18833516.93, 19598088.48, 18833516.93, 34523515.7 ],
[18098773.73, 18833516.93, 18098774.39, 33176666.06],
[33176666.06, 34523515.7 , 33176666.06, 60815787.98]])

Hi @MUSHKAN_SUREKA, can you please share the Strawberry Fields code you’re using? And the output of sf.about()?

I don’t get any errors when using sf.decompositions.williamson(V)


V = np.array([[18098774.39, 18833516.93, 18098773.73, 33176666.06],
[18833516.93, 19598088.48, 18833516.93, 34523515.7 ],
[18098773.73, 18833516.93, 18098774.39, 33176666.06],
[33176666.06, 34523515.7 , 33176666.06, 60815787.98]])

I’m using Strawberry Fields v0.23.