Ask here about the “Making and Breaking Promises” Codebook topic from the “Basic Quantum Algorithms” module.
I failed so far with Codercise A.4.1. - The multi-solution oracle.
I tried to create a matrix (oracle) that detects multiple solutions by creating
U_1, U_2, … U_n and then multiply them.
But this does not work - either because I made a programming error or my approach is wrong.
Could you please give me a hint what’s the correct way to create such an oracle? (some related theory).
Many thanks,
Hi @jomu ,
I don’t know what’s the exact cause for your program not to work. I can tell you however that there’s a way of creating the oracle matrix without needing to multiply individual matrices. Remember how in A.2.1 you changed the entry corresponding to the solution from +1 to -1? You can do this for several solutions my changing more than one entry in the matrix.
I hope this helps!
Hi @jomu,
So in this codebook, the “indices” is a list of combination index, something like [2,6,7] where “2,6,7” represents the indexes of the secret combinations.
Now the goal of this exercise is to create an Oracle for each combination. You already did this before in “Magic 8 ball” but now you do the same thing (change the diagonal entry from “+1” to “-1”) for the index of the secret combination and you do this for each combo. and by doing this you get your U1,U2 and so on.
Hope this helps !!
Yes, that helps. I think i am quite close