Codebook: Got Errors?

Ask here about the “Got Errors?” Codebook topic from the “Quantum Error Correction” module.

I think there is an error on codercise 2, the code cell displayed is the one from the RSA codebook and not the classical error correction decoding.

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Hi @yoshypdf , you’re totally right, thanks for reporting this!

We’ll make sure to fix this ASAP.

Thanks again for helping make the Codebook better :heart:

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The problem has been fixed, however all my progress on all other codebooks has been erased ( I can’t find the old codes I wrote to solve the codercices) . Is that normal ?


Hello @yoshypdf

Has your progress been erased for all codercises in the Codebook, or only for these two where there was a mixup? Let me know and I can inform the software team in case there was anything strange going on in our backend.

All codercises in all the Codebooks

That’s really strange. We will look into this.

Hi @yoshypdf would you be able to provide us with your PennyLane profile User name?

it is the same as my username on this forum: yoshypdf

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Hello! Are you sure it is yoshypdf? The following gives a 404 error, and we should be able to find you.

I just noticed that it is different : here is my username yosh_qtm

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Hi @yoshypdf

Thanks for noticing this! It seems that, during an update, the code got wiped from the code editor. It still exists in the backend for us, we are working on resurfacing it and you’ll be able to see your code again :smiley: This may take us a little bit, so please be patient :pray:



Okay I see, Thank you :smiley:

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