BasisState raises adjoint undefined error

I am trying to use the code from pennylane’s QNSPSA tutorial linked here to run a variational quantum eigensolver.

However, if I use a template for my ansatz such as qml.templates.AllSinglesDoubles

I get an error: AdjointUndefinedError.

I have stepped through my code, and I have found that the issue is that BasisState does not have a defined adjoint.

Is there a good way to fix this?

For reference, this is my full code:

from types import FunctionType
from typing import Optional
import torch
from torch import Tensor
import math

import random
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
import warnings
from functools import partial

class QNSPSA:
"""Quantum natural SPSA optimizer. Refer to
for a detailed description of the methodology. When disable_metric_tensor
is set to be True, the metric tensor estimation is disabled, and QNSPSA is
reduced to be a SPSA optimizer.
    stepsize (float): The learn rate.
    regularization (float): Regularitzation term to the Fubini-Study
        metric tensor for numerical stability.
    finite_diff_step (float): step size to compute the finite difference
        gradient and the Fubini-Study metric tensor.
    resamplings (int): The number of samples to average for each parameter
    blocking (boolean): When set to be True, the optimizer only accepts
        updates that lead to a loss value no larger than the loss value
        before update, plus a tolerance. The tolerance is set with the
        parameter history_length.
    history_length (int): When blocking is True, the tolerance is set to be
        the average of the cost values in the last history_length steps.
    disable_metric_tensor (boolean): When set to be True, the optimizer is
        reduced to be a (1st-order) SPSA optimizer.
    seed (int): Seed for the random sampling.

def __init__(
    self.stepsize = stepsize
    self.reg = regularization
    self.finite_diff_step = finite_diff_step
    self.metric_tensor = None
    self.k = 1
    self.resamplings = resamplings
    self.blocking = blocking
    self.last_n_steps = np.zeros(history_length)
    self.history_length = history_length
    self.disable_metric_tensor = disable_metric_tensor

def step(self, cost, params):
    """Update trainable arguments with one step of the optimizer.
    .. warning::
        When blocking is set to be True, use step_and_cost instead, as loss
        measurements are required for the updates for the case.
        cost (qml.QNode): the QNode wrapper for the objective function for
        params (np.array): Parameter before update.
        np.array: The new variable values after step-wise update.
    if self.blocking:
            "step_and_cost() instead of step() is called when "
            "blocking is turned on, as the step-wise loss value "
            "is required by the algorithm.",
        return self.step_and_cost(cost, params)[0]

    if self.disable_metric_tensor:
        return self.__step_core_first_order(cost, params)
    return self.__step_core(cost, params)

def step_and_cost(self, cost, params):
    """Update trainable parameters with one step of the optimizer and return
    the corresponding objective function value after the step.
        cost (qml.QNode): the QNode wrapper for the objective function for
        params (np.array): Parameter before update.
        tuple[np.array, float]: the updated parameter and the objective
            function output before the step.
    params_next = (
        self.__step_core_first_order(cost, params)
        if self.disable_metric_tensor
        else self.__step_core(cost, params)

    if not self.blocking:
        loss_curr = cost(params)
        return params_next, loss_curr
    params_next, loss_curr = self.__apply_blocking(cost, params, params_next)
    return params_next, loss_curr

def __step_core(self, cost, params):
    # Core function that returns the next parameters before applying blocking.
    grad_avg = np.zeros(params.shape)
    tensor_avg = np.zeros((params.size, params.size))
    for i in range(self.resamplings):
        grad_tapes, grad_dir = self.__get_spsa_grad_tapes(cost, params)
        metric_tapes, tensor_dirs = self.__get_tensor_tapes(cost, params)
        raw_results = qml.execute(grad_tapes + metric_tapes, cost.device, None)
        grad = self.__post_process_grad(raw_results[:2], grad_dir)
        metric_tensor = self.__post_process_tensor(raw_results[2:], tensor_dirs)
        grad_avg = grad_avg * i / (i + 1) + grad / (i + 1)
        tensor_avg = tensor_avg * i / (i + 1) + metric_tensor / (i + 1)

    return self.__get_next_params(params, grad_avg)

def __step_core_first_order(self, cost, params):
    # Reduced core function that returns the next parameters with SPSA rule.
    # Blocking not applied.
    grad_avg = np.zeros(params.shape)
    for i in range(self.resamplings):
        grad_tapes, grad_dir = self.__get_spsa_grad_tapes(cost, params)
        raw_results = qml.execute(grad_tapes, cost.device, None)
        grad = self.__post_process_grad(raw_results, grad_dir)
        grad_avg = grad_avg * i / (i + 1) + grad / (i + 1)
    return params - self.stepsize * grad_avg

def __post_process_grad(self, grad_raw_results, grad_dir):
    # With the quantum measurement results from the 2 gradient tapes,
    # compute the estimated gradient. Returned gradient is a tensor
    # of the same shape with the input parameter tensor.
    loss_forward, loss_backward = grad_raw_results
    grad = (loss_forward - loss_backward) / (2 * self.finite_diff_step) * grad_dir
    return grad

def __post_process_tensor(self, tensor_raw_results, tensor_dirs):
    # With the quantum measurement results from the 4 metric tensor tapes,
    # compute the estimated raw metric tensor. Returned raw metric tensor
    # is a tensor of shape (d x d), d being the dimension of the input parameter
    # to the ansatz.
    tensor_finite_diff = (
        - tensor_raw_results[1][0][0]
        - tensor_raw_results[2][0][0]
        + tensor_raw_results[3][0][0]
    metric_tensor = (
            np.tensordot(tensor_dirs[0], tensor_dirs[1], axes=0)
            + np.tensordot(tensor_dirs[1], tensor_dirs[0], axes=0)
        * tensor_finite_diff
        / (8 * self.finite_diff_step * self.finite_diff_step)
    return metric_tensor

def __get_next_params(self, params, gradient):
    grad_vec, params_vec = gradient.reshape(-1), params.reshape(-1)
    new_params_vec = np.linalg.solve(
        (-self.stepsize * grad_vec + np.matmul(self.metric_tensor, params_vec)),
    return new_params_vec.reshape(params.shape)

def __get_perturbation_direction(self, params):
    param_number = len(params) if isinstance(params, list) else params.size
    sample_list = random.choices([-1, 1], k=param_number)
    direction = np.array(sample_list).reshape(params.shape)
    return direction

def __get_spsa_grad_tapes(self, cost, params):
    # Returns the 2 tapes along with the sampled direction that will be
    # used to estimate the gradient per optimization step. The sampled
    # direction is of the shape of the input parameter.
    direction = self.__get_perturbation_direction(params)
    cost.construct([params + self.finite_diff_step * direction], {})
    tape_forward = cost.tape.copy(copy_operations=True)
    cost.construct([params - self.finite_diff_step * direction], {})
    tape_backward = cost.tape.copy(copy_operations=True)
    return [tape_forward, tape_backward], direction

def __update_tensor(self, tensor_raw):
    tensor_avg = self.__get_tensor_moving_avg(tensor_raw)
    tensor_regularized = self.__regularize_tensor(tensor_avg)
    self.metric_tensor = tensor_regularized
    self.k += 1

def __get_tensor_tapes(self, cost, params):
    # Returns the 4 tapes along with the 2 sampled directions that will be
    # used to estimate the raw metric tensor per optimization step. The sampled
    # directions are 1d vectors of the length of the input parameter dimension.
    dir1 = self.__get_perturbation_direction(params)
    dir2 = self.__get_perturbation_direction(params)
    perturb1 = dir1 * self.finite_diff_step
    perturb2 = dir2 * self.finite_diff_step
    dir_vecs = dir1.reshape(-1), dir2.reshape(-1)

    tapes = [
        self.__get_overlap_tape(cost, params, params + perturb1 + perturb2),
        self.__get_overlap_tape(cost, params, params + perturb1),
        self.__get_overlap_tape(cost, params, params - perturb1 + perturb2),
        self.__get_overlap_tape(cost, params, params - perturb1),
    return tapes, dir_vecs

def __get_overlap_tape(self, cost, params1, params2):
    op_forward = self.__get_operations(cost, params1)
    op_inv = self.__get_operations(cost, params2)

    with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
        for op in op_forward:
        for op in reversed(op_inv):
    return tape

def __get_operations(self, cost, params):
    # Given a QNode, returns the list of operations before the measurement.
    cost.construct([params], {})
    return cost.tape.operations

def __get_tensor_moving_avg(self, metric_tensor):
    # For numerical stability: averaging on the Fubini-Study metric tensor.
    if self.metric_tensor is None:
        self.metric_tensor = np.identity(metric_tensor.shape[0])
    return self.k / (self.k + 1) * self.metric_tensor + 1 / (self.k + 1) * metric_tensor

def __regularize_tensor(self, metric_tensor):
    # For numerical stability: Fubini-Study metric tensor regularization.
    tensor_reg = np.real(sqrtm(np.matmul(metric_tensor, metric_tensor)))
    return (tensor_reg + self.reg * np.identity(metric_tensor.shape[0])) / (1 + self.reg)

def __apply_blocking(self, cost, params_curr, params_next):
    # For numerical stability: apply the blocking condition on the parameter update.
    cost.construct([params_curr], {})
    tape_loss_curr = cost.tape.copy(copy_operations=True)
    cost.construct([params_next], {})
    tape_loss_next = cost.tape.copy(copy_operations=True)

    loss_curr, loss_next = qml.execute([tape_loss_curr, tape_loss_next], cost.device, None)
    # self.k has been updated earlier.
    ind = (self.k - 2) % self.history_length
    self.last_n_steps[ind] = loss_curr

    tol = (
        2 * self.last_n_steps.std()
        if self.k > self.history_length
        else 2 * self.last_n_steps[: self.k - 1].std()

    if loss_curr + tol < loss_next:
        params_next = params_curr
    return params_next, loss_curr

geo_file = ""

symbols, coordinates = qml.qchem.read_structure(geo_file)
hamiltonian, qubits = qml.qchem.molecular_hamiltonian(symbols, coordinates)



print("Number of qubits = ", qubits)
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=qubits, shots = 1000)

def AllSinglesDoubles(init_state, singles = [], doubles =[]):
def circuit(params, wires):
    qml.templates.AllSinglesDoubles(weights = params, wires = wires,
                    hf_state = init_state, singles = singles, doubles = doubles)

return circuit, (len(singles) + len(doubles))

hf_state = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0], requires_grad=True)
singles, doubles = qml.qchem.excitations(2, 4)

ansatz, num_params = AllSinglesDoubles(init_state = hf_state, singles = singles, doubles = doubles)
parameters = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2 * np.pi, size=num_params, requires_grad=True)

def cost(params):
ansatz(params, wires = range(qubits))
return qml.expval(hamiltonian)

opt = QNSPSA()
qngd_cost = []
parameters, energy = opt.step_and_cost(cost, parameters)

max_iterations = 200
conv_tol = 10e-6
exact_value = -1.136189454088

with qml.Tracker(cost.device) as tracker:
for n in range(max_iterations):
    parameters, energy = opt.step_and_cost(cost, parameters)
    conv = np.abs(energy - qngd_cost[-1])

    if n % 4 == 0:
        "Iteration = {:},  Energy = {:.8f} Ha".format(n, energy)

    if conv <= conv_tol:

print("\nFinal convergence parameter = {:.8f} Ha".format(conv))
print("Number of iterations = ", n)
print("Final value of the ground-state energy = {:.8f} Ha".format(energy))
print("Accuracy with respect to the FCI energy: {:.8f} Ha ({:.8f} kcal/mol)".format(
    np.abs(energy - exact_value), np.abs(energy - exact_value) * 627.503))
print("Final circuit parameters = \n", parameters)

Hi @trifire,

Unfortunately I’m not being able to run your code due to some indentation errors. If you could send a minimal example that shows the error you’re getting?

Here is hotfix.
wrap around Operator that has AdjointUndefinedError into two adjoints

I’m having the same issue with RandomLayers, works fine with a custom defined model but not with the random layers ansatz.

Hi @Lucas_Tecot , do you mind sharing a minimal example of your code, so I understand exactly what you mean? :slight_smile:

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import numpy as plnp

num_qubits = 2
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=num_qubits)
def cost(params):
    qml.RandomLayers(weights=params, wires=num_qubits, seed=42)
    return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1))

params = plnp.random.normal(0, plnp.pi, (2, 4))
opt = qml.QNSPSAOptimizer(stepsize=5e-2)
for i in range(51):
    params, loss = opt.step_and_cost(cost, params)
    if i % 10 == 0:
        print(f"Step {i}: cost = {loss:.4f}")

Error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/lucastecot/development/quantum_optimization/", line 19, in <module>
    params, loss = opt.step_and_cost(cost, params)
  File "/home/lucastecot/miniconda3/envs/quantum_optimization/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/optimize/", line 185, in step_and_cost
    params_next = self._step_core(cost, args, kwargs)
  File "/home/lucastecot/miniconda3/envs/quantum_optimization/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/optimize/", line 215, in _step_core
    metric_tapes, tensor_dirs = self._get_tensor_tapes(cost, args, kwargs)
  File "/home/lucastecot/miniconda3/envs/quantum_optimization/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/optimize/", line 396, in _get_tensor_tapes
    tapes = [
  File "/home/lucastecot/miniconda3/envs/quantum_optimization/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/optimize/", line 397, in <listcomp>
    self._get_overlap_tape(cost, args, args_finite_diff, kwargs)
  File "/home/lucastecot/miniconda3/envs/quantum_optimization/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/optimize/", line 411, in _get_overlap_tape
    new_ops = op_forward + [op.adjoint() for op in reversed(op_inv)]
  File "/home/lucastecot/miniconda3/envs/quantum_optimization/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/optimize/", line 411, in <listcomp>
    new_ops = op_forward + [op.adjoint() for op in reversed(op_inv)]
  File "/home/lucastecot/miniconda3/envs/quantum_optimization/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/", line 1381, in adjoint
    raise AdjointUndefinedError

Thanks, @Lucas_Tecot !

Hmm, this seems a bit unusual. :thinking: I can spot that your call for qml.RandomLayers should actually look like this:

qml.RandomLayers(weights=params, wires=range(num_qubits), seed=42)

… but let me check what’s going on here with the optimizer — I’ll get back to you soon!

Hey @Lucas_Tecot, this is definitely a bug! Congrats on spotting it and thank you for letting us know! :grin:
Would you like to quickly open an issue in the PennyLane repository with this example? We can sort out the fix for you there.

We’ve now solved the problem with qml.ONSPSAOptimizer, which should fix the AdjointUndefinedError that was popping up in this case.

I’ve now gone ahead and made a bug report in the PennyLane repository.
@Lucas_Tecot, you can let me know if you want to be tagged for credit, and I’ll share an update here as soon as we fix it. :slight_smile: