I’m trying to adapt the code from the variational classifier demo (Variational classifier | PennyLane Demos) to use on a different dataset of 13 features and binary label. I MinMaxScaler().fit_transform() the features, then use AngleEmbedding(rotation=‘Y’) to encode 13 features on 13 wires. I used the basic tensor network circuit (RX0,RX1,CX01) as in Tensor-network quantum circuits | PennyLane Demos as my variation part. Thus I have a [12, 2] tensor as the weights. I followed the variational classifier demo to optimize the weights and bias, but as iteration goes on, the weights doesn’t change as I print them out to first two decimal. What’s the most probable cause of this behavior?
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import numpy as np
from pennylane.optimize import NesterovMomentumOptimizer
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
with open('heart.csv') as f:
temp = np.loadtxt(f, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
X = temp[:,:-1]
y = temp[:,-1]
X = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X)
num_data = len(y)
num_train = int(0.75 * num_data)
index = np.random.permutation(range(num_data))
feats_train = X[index[:num_train]]
Y_train = y[index[:num_train]]
feats_val = X[index[num_train:]]
Y_val = y[index[num_train:]]
num_wires = 13
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=num_wires)
def block(weights, wires):
qml.RX(weights[0], wires=wires[0])
qml.RY(weights[1], wires=wires[1])
def circuit(weights,feature_vector,layer_num=1):
for i in range(layer_num):
qml.AngleEmbedding(features=feature_vector, wires=range(num_wires), rotation='Y')
return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=num_wires-1))
weights = np.random.random(size=[12, 2], requires_grad=True)
bias = np.array(0.0, requires_grad=True)
def variational_classifier(weights, bias, feature_vector):
return circuit(weights, feature_vector) + bias
def square_loss(labels, predictions):
loss = 0
for l, p in zip(labels, predictions):
loss += (l - p) ** 2
return loss/ len(labels)
def cost(weights, bias, features, labels):
predictions = [variational_classifier(weights, bias, f) for f in features]
return square_loss(labels, predictions)
def accuracy(labels, predictions):
success = 0
for l, p in zip(labels, predictions):
if abs(l - p) < 1e-1: # I even changed this to 1e-1
success += 1
return success/ len(labels)
opt = NesterovMomentumOptimizer()
# train the variational classifier
for it in range(60):
# Update the weights by one optimizer step
batch_index = np.random.randint(0, num_train, (20,))
feats_train_batch = feats_train[batch_index]
Y_train_batch = Y_train[batch_index]
weights, bias, _, _ = opt.step(cost, weights, bias, feats_train_batch, Y_train_batch)
if it % 5 == 0:
# Compute predictions on train and validation set
predictions_train = [np.sign(variational_classifier(weights, bias, f)) for f in feats_train]
predictions_val = [np.sign(variational_classifier(weights, bias, f)) for f in feats_val]
# Compute accuracy on train and validation set
acc_train = accuracy(Y_train, predictions_train)
acc_val = accuracy(Y_val, predictions_val)
"Iter: {:5d} | Cost: {:0.7f} | Acc train: {:0.7f} | Acc validation: {:0.7f} "
"".format(it + 1, cost(weights, bias, X, y), acc_train, acc_val)+str([ '%.2f' % elem for elem in weights.flatten().tolist() ])+str('%.2f' % bias)