Pennylane-Qiskit Number of Jobs?

Hi @Raghav_Ramki, welcome to the Forum!

I’m sorry that you ran out of shots. You may be able to contact someone at IBM through the Qiskit Slack to see if they can give you some extra shots.

It seems that the problem that you’re trying to run is very big. You can in fact set the number of shots when you define your device. You can use something like the following code:

b = "ibmq_qasm_simulator"

dev = qml.device(
    shots = 1

Notice that this will use one shot every time you run your circuit. Since you will run your circuit many times this will take many shots. The exact number of shots will depend on your exact dataset, how you encode the information in the circuit, etc.

Batches are not working well with our PennyLane-Qiskit plugin at the moment. This is on our radar for fixing. If you want to learn more about this you can take a look at this forum post about Torch Layer where someone reported the problem.

So if your dataset has about 200 datapoints then you will need about 200 circuit executions/epoch, and 200 shots/epoch if you have set shots=1 and if you’re using one datapoint at a time.

Please let me know if this helps or if you have any additional questions.