Opt.step function and 'numpy.float64 object not callable' error

Apologies! One issue is that DNA_encoder should return a numpy object:

def DNA_encoder(seq):

    Complex encoding of a DNA sequence
    The function returns a list of complex numbers
    encode_DNA={'A':'-1','T':'1','C':'-1j','G':'1j', 'R':'-1+j'}   # R is an ambiguous result which could either be A or G
    encoded_seq= np.array([complex(encode_DNA[base]) for base in DNA_list])
    return encoded_seq

In general, there are a few areas in your code that use operations that aren’t native to numpy, which can cause type errors like what you’re seeing (for reference: Autograd ArrayBox type intermediate output from optimizer - #3 by leongfy). Let me know if this helps you debug!

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