Full Pennylane installation

One demo needs antlr4-python3-runtime==4.8, but tutorial_vqe_parallel needs antlr4-python3-runtime==4.7.2. I just went with the newer one and could probably make a bash file to install the older one as appropriate.

I think I got most of the requirements.txt file but may have missed a few. I use https://gitpod.io/ so my installation is online and I access it through the browser so it is not really local.

You have given me some good ideas I will see what I can do with the last few files. However I am already overloaded with the amount of code I have to go through so I am not really concerned about the last few files.

Reminder, all I want to do is make a really simple Keras layers Quantum trained model so that I can export a Tensorflow Keras model to use on microcontrollers. Already taking a much deeper dive than I really need to.

I tagged you in another thread about actual Quantum Access Quantum Computer Access?